Joliet Traffic Ticket Defense Lawyer

Attorney for Defense of Speeding, Reckless Driving, and Other Moving Violations in Will County
Most traffic violations are petty offenses punishable only by a small fine, but some are far more serious. At a minimum, one or more moving violation convictions can lead to higher auto insurance rates or even cancellation of your policy. Some offenses can result in the suspension or even revocation of your driver's license. This is not only an inconvenience, but also costly in terms of the time and money it takes to get your license reinstated. Lastly, many people do not realize this, but some common traffic offenses are misdemeanor crimes punishable by jail time and fines of over $1,000.
At Honiotes Law Office, Ltd., we understand that most people need to drive to work, to shop, and to do just about anything else. If your license and your finances are in jeopardy due to moving violations, we can help. Just by reviewing your ticket and the circumstances of the incident, we may spot a way to fight it. Other times, because we are so familiar with local law enforcement and court practices, we can negotiate with the prosecutor to get a charge reduced or dismissed. With over 14 years of experience as a criminal defense lawyer, including 9 years as a public defender in Will County, Attorney Kristine Honiotes can provide the defense you need to stay on the road.
Moving Violations That Merit a Defense
Honiotes Law can mount a defense for you against any traffic ticket, but here are some of the more serious cases in which you should seek legal advice.
- Speeding more than 25 miles per hour over the limit.
- Driving 26 to 34 miles per hour over the limit is a Class B misdemeanor. The maximum penalty is up to 180 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,500.
- Driving 35 mph or more over the limit is a Class A misdemeanor. The maximum penalty is 364 days in county jail and/or a fine of up to $2,500. Your driver's license could also be suspended or revoked.
- Speeding in a construction or school zone. Court supervision is not allowed.
- Reckless driving. This is defined as driving "with a willful or wanton disregard" for the safety of others. This is a Class A misdemeanor. If your driving results in bodily harm to another person, you could even be charged with a felony.
- Receiving multiple tickets. This can happen, for example, if a police officer observes you run a stop light while speeding and then also discovers that your car insurance has lapsed or your driver's license is expired.
- Driving without liability insurance. In addition to a fine of $500–$1,000, your driver's license can be suspended for a minimum of three months. If you get in a collision and injure another person while operating uninsured, you can be charged with a Class A misdemeanor. Court supervision is not allowed for a second offense.
- Driving while your license is suspended or revoked. This is a Class A misdemeanor.
- Leaving the scene of an accident, commonly referred to as hit-and-run. Depending on the circumstances, this can be a Class A misdemeanor or a felony.
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI).
Handling Petty Offense Traffic Tickets
When a traffic ticket is a petty offense, and your citation does not state "must appear in court," one option is to simply plead guilty by signing the ticket and mailing it in with payment of your fine. However, this means the ticket is going to go on your driving record as a conviction, which can affect your car insurance rates and could have implications for your employment if you drive for a living. In addition, the Secretary of State can suspend your driver's license if you have three moving violation convictions within a 12-month period.
A second option is to plead not guilty and request a trial. This is a situation where it would be best to consult an attorney to determine if you have a chance at beating the ticket.
The third option is to plead guilty and request court supervision by mail. If you complete the requirements set by the court, the ticket will be dismissed and will not go on your driving record. The usual requirements are that you complete a driver safety training course and not get any new tickets within a specified time period (90 days in most counties, but 120 days in others). Some counties allow you to complete traffic school online, but Will County does not. If you get another ticket within the supervision period, you will get a conviction instead of a dismissal on the first ticket and you will probably need to appear in court for the second ticket.
Illinois law allows an individual to receive court supervision for a moving violation no more than two times within a 12-month period. However, most counties will not let you take traffic school more than once in 12 months. Therefore, if you get a second ticket within 12 months, you will typically have to appear in court to request supervision for the second ticket.
Traffic Ticket Defense Attorney in Joliet
If you need to fight a traffic ticket, trust your case to Honiotes Law Office, Ltd. Contact our Joliet office at 815-409-7833 for a free initial consultation. We handle cases in DuPage County, Grundy County, Kane County, Kendall County, and Will County.